UPDATE: April 2, 2020

To stay in accordance with the Stay Home, Stay Healthy order issued by Governor Jay Inslee, our physical offices will remain closed through May 4, 2020. We will reassess at that time. Until then, all of our attorneys and staff are still available and working remotely full time to service our clients. We are still here for you!

March 16, 2020

An important message from Dellino Family Law Group to keep you apprised of how we will be operating during these uncertain times.

We Are Still Here For You!
First and foremost, while the local courts are closing and running on a limited basis, know that we are right here for our clients. Please know that the current virus restrictions are slowing down litigation. We wish that were not the case, but it is inevitable right now with the strain on the courts and very limited matters being heard.

Staying Connected, Even While We Are Apart
Our office is running remotely. We have always been prepared for situations just like this with the technology in place to work from anywhere, but for the local courts and many other firms this is very new territory. We are dealing with prioritizing critical issues and rescheduling of motions, but we remain open and available for everyone. Our phones, emails, and text messages will be answered like they always are. Our communication to you during this time will only increase.

At this time, our offices will be closed, March 16 – March 31, as we continue to monitor this situation. We will reassess at the end of the month. During this time all of our attorneys and staff will be available and working remotely full time to service our clients.

Remote Operations
Business operations will continue as normal. Phones will be answered, texts and emails responded to, mail handled, and cases will be advanced every bit the same way as if we were in the office. We have spent years with the capability of 100% remote operations and preparing for exactly this in ways other firms have not.

Need to Meet?
We will continue to meet with current and potential new clients via phone and video conferencing. We are here for you and your family no matter what. While we are not conducting any in-person meetings at this time, all of our staff is still available. Please give us a call or click here to book a consultation.

Thank You & Stay Strong
We greatly appreciate all of your patience and please know that we are vigilantly monitoring your case, this situation, and remain committed to being here for you and keeping you updated as the situation evolves. Most of all, take care of yourselves, your families, and your loved ones. We care about you and want to see you as soon as possible. Stay healthy, strong, and reach out when you need us. Rest assured, we are taking care of our team to be here for you and we will be in touch.

Best Regards,
Dellino Family Law Group