Holiday Self-Care

…or Instagram, in a commercial, or in other people’s photos, is not always so simple as a reality for everyone. I am here to tell you that it is 100%…

How Adopting a Senior Dog Changed My Life for the Better

…a whole new level. As humans, we need help. We are imperfect. We go through transition, crisis, and while we usually keep going, we cannot do it alone. We need

OK, We Are Divorced. How Do We Support Our Kids?

…It all starts with communication that likely needs to be better than what you had in your failed marriage. Your children’s happiness, coupled with your own internal peace, is well…

Top 3 Common Big Divorce Mistakes To Avoid

…violence committed by you or perpetrated upon you. There can be many other examples of things you would rather not talk about as well. The best advice you off and

Gray Divorce

…assets that were meant to sustain to people under one roof and now need to be divided, whether one party will need long-term spousal support/maintenance, questions about medical insurance and

Top Three Common Divorce Mistakes

…A common misconception is the a parenting plan can easily be changed later so signing something quickly is a good idea. Another common mistake is thinking you will never need

Relocation with Children

…Legal Representation: This process can be emotionally charged, complicated, and extremely stressful. Whether you are proposing relocation or objecting to a relocation proposal, you will need to work closely with…

What is Spousal Maintenance?

…relationship. For these reasons and more, finances are also a common contributor to separation and divorce. It doesn’t end there. Finances are commonly the most contentious issue of a divorce…

Tips for Holiday Self-Care

…you need to sleep, prioritize rest and good sleep hygiene. If you need a break from sugar, say no to Grandma’s pizzelles. If you are hungry, eat something nourishing. Allow…

Talking to Your Children about Divorce

…Take care of yourself. In order to best attend to your children’s needs and emotions, and to communicate in a way that is compassionate and effective, you need to be…

Your Last 100 Days of 2019 Should be the Best

…wanted. Self care? Free time? What free time? Weekends and vacations have largely been permeated by other people’s needs or wants, client needs, and often me and my family last….

8 Steps to Help You Thrive Post-Divorce

…to take into account based on each person’s individual and complex picture. No matter what the circumstances, divorce is complicated. Ending a partnership that you hoped would last forever is…