Collaborative vs. Cooperative Divorce

When you are looking up “Divorce” on the internet, there are many terms, approaches, and facts flying at you. “Collaborative,” sounds good. “Cooperative” sounds good, too! You want low stress. You do not want to fight with your soon to be ex-spouse any more than you already have been. Ending a legal marriage is sure …

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

As couples approach marriage, it is important to consider whether a prenuptial agreement will be executed. Unfortunately, there is still a fair amount of social stigma attached to prenuptial agreements:  Aren’t you expecting your marriage to last forever?  Why are you preparing for divorce before you even get married? Does a prenup doom your marriage from the start? …

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

As couples approach marriage, it is important to consider whether a prenuptial agreement will be executed. Unfortunately, there is still a fair amount of social stigma attached to prenuptial agreements:  Aren’t you expecting your marriage to last forever?  Why are you preparing for divorce before you even get married? Does a prenup doom your marriage from the start? …

Property Division

The division of assets and debt is often one of the most contentious aspects of a divorce, as we often place both emotional and financial value on our belongings. They way property is ultimately divided may have long lasting impacts on your financial stability and lifestyle.  We are here to assist you in this process, to negotiate …


Defining Paternity and Parentage: Paternity, by definition, means the state of being the father of a particular child. From a legal perspective, paternity refers to the legal relationship between a father and his child.  A biological father is not necessarily a legal father. It is the process of “establishing paternity” that then establishes the legal relationship …


Defining Paternity and Parentage: Paternity, by definition, means the state of being the father of a particular child. From a legal perspective, paternity refers to the legal relationship between a father and his child.  A biological father is not necessarily a legal father. It is the process of “establishing paternity” that then establishes the legal relationship …

Relocation with Children

Washington law has a specific process and set of statutes that govern issues related to relocation with a child, including each party’s rights and responsibilities. This is also known as the Relocation Act (RCW 26.09.405-560). If you are considering relocating with your child or have received notification of a proposed relocation from the other parent …

Parenting Plan Modifications

A final Parenting Plan is issued by the court when your divorce and child custody settlements are completed. The Parenting Plan may have been jointly agreed upon or may have been imposed by the court if you and your co-parent were unable to make an agreement. The Parenting Plan is intended to meet your child’s …

Cohabitation Agreements

If you are living with your partner or considering moving in together, we strongly advise you to take some time to understand the implications. You should be aware of what cohabitation means for your relationship legally speaking, and you should be equipped to make an informed decision about how to protect yourself and your personal …

Uncontested Flat Fee Options

Uncontested Flat Fee Options in Family Law Cases “My case is not contested. My spouse and I agree on everything and just need someone to handle all our paperwork. Can you do that?” YES. WE CAN! While we offer full-service representation to people that need it, Dellino Family Law Group is proud to now provide …