The Truth About Domestic Violence and Taking Control of Your Safety

…taken immediately. There is another side of the coin that is often not talked about when it comes to domestic violence and family law. There are those who are falsely…

Holiday Self-Care

…or Instagram, in a commercial, or in other people’s photos, is not always so simple as a reality for everyone. I am here to tell you that it is 100%…

How Adopting a Senior Dog Changed My Life for the Better

…my first rescue dog. But she would not be my last. Opening up my heart to her in what unfortunately ended up being the end of her life showed me…

OK, We Are Divorced. How Do We Support Our Kids?

…high conflict impediments. In most other circumstances, this should be the goal and the ideal. Putting your children ahead of whatever ugliness may have come to pass between the two…

Creating the Right Parenting Plan for Your Family is Crucial

…seen on a message board or elsewhere online people asking for copies of other people’s parenting plans for examples or to try and copy. When I see that I often…

Top Three Common Divorce Mistakes

…older, is full of ambiguity, and leaves out major components when it comes to making decisions. These issues can lead to ongoing conflict even long after a divorce is final….

Relocation with Children

…Legal Representation: This process can be emotionally charged, complicated, and extremely stressful. Whether you are proposing relocation or objecting to a relocation proposal, you will need to work closely with

Thanksgiving 2020: Connecting During the Pandemic Still Matters.

the Pacific Northwest and really around the country. Like many of you, my family won’t be gathering the way we normally do on Thanksgiving. While that is sad, we have…

Tips for Holiday Self-Care

the hustle and bustle of baking, cooking, gift giving, visiting with family/friends, and trying to make the holidays nice for your kids or the people around you – do not…

Your Last 100 Days of 2019 Should be the Best

…wanted. Self care? Free time? What free time? Weekends and vacations have largely been permeated by other people’s needs or wants, client needs, and often me and my family last….

8 Steps to Help You Thrive Post-Divorce

…may feel validating and comforting to connect with people enduring similar experiences. 4 – Enlist Professional Support With divorce comes inevitable lifestyle shift and you should not try to tackle…

Top 9 “Tough Topics” Couples Should Discuss Before Tying the Knot

…factor into your thoughts about raising children. 3 – COMMUNICATION Yes, we are suggesting you communicate about communication! Communication breakdown is often at the crux of relationship demise. Discuss your