Committed Intimate Relationships

“We have been together forever! We aren’t married, but don’t I have any rights?” Unmarried couples in Washington State do not have what some states call, “common law marriage,” but Washington courts do recognize “committed intimate relationships.” These relationships exist when an unmarried couple lives together for a significant period of time and live in …

Spousal Maintenance

It is often stated that money is the leading cause of stress in relationships. Couples may engage in power struggles around money, communication about money, or financial imbalances within the relationship. For these reasons and more, finances are also a common contributor to separation and divorce. It doesn’t end there. Finances are commonly the most …

Legal Separation

What is the difference between legal separation and divorce? With both legal separation and divorce, there is a division of assets and debts and an agreements put in place for child support obligations and parenting plans. Procedurally, pursuing divorce and pursuing legal separation in Washington State are very similar. The primary difference is that with …

LGBTQIA+ Family Law

Dellino Family Law Group ardently supports marriage and relationship equality. Regardless of sexual or gender orientation, we believe in each family’s right to exceptional legal representation. LGBTQIA+ family law continues to change rapidly, both federally and in Washington State. We are dedicated to remaining up-to-date and knowledgeable with the evolving nature of the law, and …

Protection Orders

What is a protection order? Is a protection order the same thing as a restraining order? Hey, what about a no contact order? How do I know if I can get a protection order and which one? What do I do if someone serves me with a protection order? Protection orders are the source of …

Mediation / Dispute Resolution Services

Mediation is a form of Alternative Dispute Resolution that can help you resolve your family law matter without litigation. In addition to representing our clients in mediations on a regular basis, Dellino Law Group also provides mediation and arbitration services to help you settle your family law matter. We have attorneys trained as mediators who …

Non Traditional Family Law

Families are all different. At Dellino Family Law Group, we want to help you protect and grow your family in the way that is right for you. We offer Nontraditional Family Law services that include the following options to meet the needs of every family: Surrogacy and Donor Agreements Second Parent Adoptions Name Changes and …

Estate Planning

Estate Planning and Health Care Directives – Flat Fee Options “I need a Will!” Can you help? What about a Health Care Directive?” YES. WE CAN! This last year has shown everyone that being prepared matters. No one should be without a Health Care Directive and Power of Attorney. Furthermore, taking planning a step further …

Therapy / Counseling Services

If you are involved with a legal case of any kind, there is a good chance you are battling with some level of emotional distress. Receiving professional, therapeutic support during a challenging time can be invaluable. Dellino Family Law Group is dedicated to putting your mental health first. We staff an in-house Mental Health Consultant …

Collaborative vs. Cooperative Divorce

When you are looking up “Divorce” on the internet, there are many terms, approaches, and facts flying at you. “Collaborative,” sounds good. “Cooperative” sounds good, too! You want low stress. You do not want to fight with your soon to be ex-spouse any more than you already have been. Ending a legal marriage is sure …

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

As couples approach marriage, it is important to consider whether a prenuptial agreement will be executed. Unfortunately, there is still a fair amount of social stigma attached to prenuptial agreements:  Aren’t you expecting your marriage to last forever?  Why are you preparing for divorce before you even get married? Does a prenup doom your marriage from the start? …

Prenuptial & Postnuptial Agreements

As couples approach marriage, it is important to consider whether a prenuptial agreement will be executed. Unfortunately, there is still a fair amount of social stigma attached to prenuptial agreements:  Aren’t you expecting your marriage to last forever?  Why are you preparing for divorce before you even get married? Does a prenup doom your marriage from the start? …